
3 Winning Fitness Motivation Principles for Women

It seems there are distinct stages that involve fitness motivation for women. Regardless of how long you've been dedicated to your fitness routine, there may still be times when you get bored. Your motivation can be challenged by the familiarity of the routine; after all familiarity breeds contempt. The more knowledge you accumulate as you stick with your program, the better able you will be to handle the ups and downs of staying motivated. The following strategies can help you keep your motivation up.

You may find it's a lot easier to get in the mood for exercising when you do it with a friend. This is a simple concept, sometimes known as the buddy system, and it can work very well. You can satisfy many things by working out with someone you know and like. For example, there is the accountability factor because you actually are placing yourself in that position. You have another incentive to show up for your workouts, as you don't want to break your agreement. It can also help a great deal to have someone there to provide motivation when you need it.

No matter what form of exercise you do, the most exciting aspect is seeing positive results. No kidding, it is thrilling to see new muscles, lose weight, be able to do something for longer periods of time, etc. The experience of seeing the fruits of your labor is always highly motivating. This really gives you a sense of accomplishment, which helps you feel great. Know you will see great results and keep your goals firmly in front of you if you're just beginning your routine.

Women commonly experience the effects of over training. You can be slowed way down by over training if you are highly motivated and nothing seems to stop you. Over training can be frustrating and is similar to burn out. You will suffer more frequently from a feeling of the thrill is gone.

This issue is easily fixed by taking a break from high intensity workouts. The best thing is to listen to your body and slow down. Listening to your body will help you know when it's time to get back at it. You will be confronted with motivation issues that are peculiar to women as you continue with your spinning bike work outs.

There is no way around that, but you can help yourself by learning about this issue with a little casual research. You can learn to effectively deal with this situation and remain in control. You can even take a proactive approach and have measures in place that can serve to prevent motivation issues from occurring in the first place.

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