
How to Build Calf Muscles Safely ?

Some men are really keen about having great looking calf muscles and wish to learn how to build calf muscles safely. It takes a lot of hard work to get and keep them. If you are interested in joining that group of men who know how to build up calf muscle to get great calves, get ready for some strenuous exercises targeting the calf muscles. Several exercises that have been proven to be effective are given below.

Cardiovascular exercises for the calves

Most people recognize the value of cardiovascular exercises for raising the heart rate, reducing the chances of heart problems, losing weight, and the maintenance of an excellent overall fitness level. Most don't realize that many of these same exercises are also excellent exercises for building up the calf muscles. Another great advantage of the cardio exercises is that they are usually done for relatively long periods of time, giving your calves a better workout than they would get if you were doing only calf strengthening exercises. Those who know how to build up calf muscles recognize the three greatest cardio exercises for getting results: running, uphill walking and jogging, and stair stepping or stair climbing.

* Running in the great outdoors or running on a treadmill is a great way to build up your calf muscles. It improves both your heart and your calves with the same expenditure of energy.

* Uphill walking or jogging is also a superb exercise for the calves. The uphill experience can be easily created in your home gym on an inclined treadmill where you can control both the inclination and the speed. Just remember to start slow and work up to speed. Uphill walking and jogging can be very strenuous.

* Stair stepping or stair climbing is another demanding cardio exercise that greatly benefits the calf muscles. You don't need any special equipment to perform this exercise. If you don't belong to a gym or don't have a stair stepper, find a flight of stairs and do it the old fashioned way. Use stairs instead of the elevator whenever you have the chance.

Exercises targeting the calves

Once you've learned how to build your calf muscles using cardio exercises, you can try some exercises that target the calves specifically. Two important ones that are most effective, and can be done at the home or office are standing calf raises and one-legged standing calf raises.

* Standing calf raises can be done at home or at the gym on a machine. If you working out at a gym, stand with your shoulders under the pads and raise up the machine by rising up on the balls of your feet. Keep your knees straight - not locked, and keep your heels as far down as you possibly can. As you rise up onto the balls of your feet, squeeze your calf muscles. When you're not at the gym, the exercise can be easily done using a sturdy chair or on the stairs.

* The one-legged standing calf raises are excellent exercises for the calf muscles, but shouldn't be tried by the beginner. They are intended for use by those who have already built up fairly strong calves. It is done in the same manner as the standing calf raises, except it is done on only one leg at a time.

A few things to remember

It is not unusual for people who are exercising to strengthen their calves to injure themselves, but it's also not necessary if you're careful. Remember the following tips when doing calf exercises. It will simplify your life.

* Warm up before you exercise. Do a slow stair climb or slow job for a bit before you begin.

* Don't try to overdo it. Use lighter weight at first and then progressively work your way up to greater weight. You don't want to strain your muscles.

* When you finish exercising, massage your calf muscles. This ensures good blood circulation and will help to avoid injury.

* Give your calves a good stretch both before and after you do your workout, by flexing your feet.

If you learn how to build calf muscles properly, you'll get the calves that you want, benefit from a little extra cardio exercise, and do so without injury.

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