
Toning Calves and Thighs Through Yoga

There are a lot of women who not only desire to have a sexy body; they also want to have shapely and toned up thighs and calves to give them sexy legs.

While there are many exercises that will help in toning up your thighs and calves, certain yoga poses or "asanas" have been found to be very effective in achieving this goal with very little pain in working out the legs.

Aside from toning up the legs, these asanas have been very effective in building up all around stamina as well as in improving body flexibility. They also help in strengthening the abdominal, pelvic and lower back muscles, so that you have better body posture.

Urdhva Prasarita Padasana: Yoga Asana for Toning the Thighs

Also known as Double Leg Raises, the Urdhva Prasarita Padasana pose functions to tone the muscles of the abdomen, and strengthen the abdominal, thigh, and lower back muscles.

How to Do It:
· Lie down on your back on an exercise mat.
· Maintain your legs in a straight or extended position. The arms should be raised above your head, making sure that the backs of your hand are pressed to the floor. Take a few breaths to relax your body.
· As you inhale deeply, slowly raise both of your legs upwards to about 60 degrees or at a height that is comfortable for you. As you do this, keep your legs straight. Don't bend your knees. Hold this position for as long as you can.
· Lowe your legs gradually. As you lower your legs, make sure that you hold it at certain angles, such as hold at 60 degrees, then hold again at 30 degrees, and then at only 2 inches from the floor.
· Perform three sets of this pose daily.

Virbhadrasana: Yoga Posture for Toning the Calves and Legs

Also known as the Warrior Pose, Virbhadrasana strengthens and makes limber the muscles of the thighs and calves. It also improves mobilization of the hips and legs.

How to Do It
· Stand up straight with your feet very wide apart (preferably wider than shoulder width distance).
· Turn your right foot outwards.
· Inhale deeply as you raise your arms sideways so that they are in a parallel position with the floor.
· Next, bend your right leg, making sure that the thigh is parallel with the floor. Keep your left leg very straight.
· Concentrate and focus on your outstretched right hand.
· Breathe normally as you hold this pose for 20 seconds.
· To go back to starting position, straighten your right leg.
· Do the pose, this time by bending your left leg.
· Do three sets of this pose daily.

Aside from their obvious benefits to your thighs and legs, these yoga poses can aid in focusing your mind as well as in building a strong bond with the Earth's grounding energies. It also creates a balance in the body-mind-soul complex and improves overall well-being.

Jack Flagg is a literary master and have written tons of books on love and romance.
He is involved in all sorts of websites and niches.

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