
Exercises for Developing Trapezius and Deltoids

The trapezius, also referred to as "the traps", is the area that wraps around the shoulders and neck then down your spine. Deltoids or "delts" are the main three headed muscle that make up the actual shoulder area. This area formed by the traps and delts forms a diamond shape, but most people who want bigger shoulder muscles are referring to the top portion that peaks out called the upper traps. There are certain exercises that will give you the peaking traps and delts that you want, and become noticeable by others in no time!

Your entire shoulder area is remarkably stronger than most areas of the body, and can easily be built bigger and stronger to give you a bulking body and smaller waist. The same concept applies to women as well; nice shoulder muscles complement the body very well and of course make the waist slim appearing.
Various Exercises for the Delts

In order to work out your deltoids, you need to target all three muscles which are the anterior, medial, and posterior (front, middle, and back). Straight arm raises are great for working the front delts. Grab decent dumbbells with weight that is not too heavy, but not very light either. Raise your arms to the front (palms down) until they are parallel to the ground. Return back to the start position and repeat. Perform x3 sets with x10 repetitions. Next will be side arm raises for the side or middle deltoids. Dumbbells at your side, arms fully extended lift upwards until your body forms a cross, and lower back down. You will do the same number of sets and repetitions as front raises. In order to work out the rear deltoids, you need to be bent forward and then perform raises remaining in that position.

Shoulder presses can be performed with dumbbells or a barbell, and can either be seated or standing. Rotate them all during different shoulder workout days to keep your body constantly changing. Going from medium to heavy weight, perform shoulder presses x5 sets with x5 repetitions.

Exercises for the Traps:
Move on to upright rows either with a curl bar or row machine. Perform x3 or x4 sets with x10 or x12 repetitions. Make sure each time you come up to hold the position for a second, then drop and repeat. This gives you the maximum benefits to be received from your lift. When performing upright rows be sure to keep your hands approximately 6 inches apart from each other while gripping the bar. As you pull upwards raise your elbows to try and touch your ears, once they reach stopping point hold then go back down. Do not use your back to assist by swinging your body backwards.

Shoulder shrugs are the only other exercise that focuses everything solely on the traps. You can do these with dumbbells or barbell as well. With a moderate weight pull your shoulders upwards as far as possible. This will feel as if you are pushing your shoulders against your neck, which is what you want. Perform x5 sets of x10 repetitions ensuring that you perform them smoothly and hold for a second on each lift as well.
Beware of Shoulder Injury!

You need to make sure to perform shoulder stretches and flexes more than any other muscle group, and that is for before during, and after exercises. Your shoulders are needed for many different isolation lifts and compound lifts, and injuring them will set you back greatly as a weightlifter. Be safe and use the weight that you can do and do not worry about what others are doing. Your ego could get you seriously injured.

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