
A Proven Way to Build Your Calf Muscle

So you have skinny calf muscles and are desperately trying to find a way to build them up. And you may have tried all the calf exercise routines available and done all the sets and repetitions suggested but have nothing to show for all that effort.

Well in this short article I will discuss a simple muscle building principle that will help you develop your calf muscle.

Here is the principle that will allow you to build bigger calves. The principle can be described from the question. What is the optimal number of repetitious to perform when it comes to building big calves?
Hint: most experts don't even get this principle and yet it alone has the potential to literally transform your calf muscle from baby calves to full blown calves in a very short period of time.

The magic number of repetitions you should perform when trying to beef up your calves is: Three! Yes it is the number three.

The experts say that you need to perform 8-12 repetitions for strengthening up your calf muscle, 1-7 repetitions for building power in your calves and 15-30 repetitions for building endurance in your calves.
Well there are not wrong but there is a way to target all three aspects of the muscle at once. And it is the number three.

The experts also assume that everyone who works on their calves are using perfect exaggerated form, which is usually not the case when it comes to training calves.

3 repetitions is key. Let me explain why this is so and then show you how to use it to build your calf muscle.

The magic behind the 3 repetition set is that each rep is treated as the last. Which means you have to treat each repetition as if it were the last repetition you will ever perform. This means you must use picture perfect form. And this also means that you must use an exaggerate range of motion.

The key word here is exaggerated motion. And the reason for the number "3" is that anything more than that and you tend to go lax with your range of motion. You will also tend to go through the motions of the exercise and this will stop short your calf muscle gains,

But with 3 repetitions you can put everything into each repetition. After all it is only 3 repetitions.
You also need to make sure those three reps you perform are intense. And you can do this as follows:
Perform 3 repetitions then rest 10 seconds in between sets by performing toe raises for 10 seconds.
Then you perform another 3 repetitions and then rest another 10 seconds by performing toe raises
Then Perform another 3 repetitions and repeat.

Obviously the more sets of 3 you do, the more fatigued you will become and the less repetitions you will perform. In any case you must perform as many of these 3 repetitions sets as you can.

The moment you can not perform a full rep that is when you stop and stretch for 120 seconds and then repeat with another set of 3.

This sequence will generate the maximum amount of intensity needed for developing your calf muscle.
Follow these simple steps and you will have a bigger calf muscle in no time at all.

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