
How to Get Big Calves the Proven Way ?

So you want big calves? I will show you how to get them.
This exercise routine is short and sweet but brutally effective in developing big calves!
The key to growing big calves is applying the right intensity. Intensity does not nec4ssarily mean heavy weights, it does mean "working hard" in other words how hard you can work in a given time!

 In this routine we can are going to increase intensity by allowing the calves to "actively rest" during rest periods! How do we do that? By doing body weight toe raises, where all you do after a set is step on your toes and stay there until you rest period is over.

Next secret to developing the calves is achieving total peak contraction which is crucial to increasing calf exercise intensity. However, whenever you're training calves using weights, as you do with donkey calf raises, you're going to have difficulty getting all the way up onto your toes. The solution to this problem is to do toe raises without weight after and in between your sets of donkey calf raises.

Good examples of the effectiveness of using this technique are ballet dancers. They dance on their toes and stand on their toes all through a routine, this means they are continually getting a full peak contraction of the calf muscles, and that's how they get that kind of muscular calf development... we can learn from them if we want to develop big calves.

So after each set of your calf exercises you want to perform toe raises without weights and without movement in between sets! And how do you do this?

You could hold onto a bench, machine or something else for support, press down with the arms as much as necessary to make the movement possible, and then come up onto your toes the way up, like a ballet dancer.

You will feel an intense burn as the intensity rises! Trust me your calves will thank you by growing quickly with this simple trick

Have you ever heard of Johnny Fuller, he had great calves and all he ever did for developing big calves, was to stand against a wall and stand up on his toes.

There are only 3 basic exercises you need to get big calves. They are donkey calf raises, standing calf raises and seated calf raises. Of the three donkeys calf raises are the best and most effective
Although donkey calf raises are the most intense calf exercise, you should also be doing regular standing raises or seated raises. These movements should also be included in a well-balanced training program for big calves.
All you need are 2 sets each of each exercise be sure to use standing toe raises in between sets so that the calves never get to rest.
Also, you should increase your weights as you get stronger. But it's a mistake to use a weight that is just heavy enough for you to move, but too heavy to get any kind of decent range of motion.

The point I am making is that you should use perfect form and full range of motion, no bouncing or jerking. Let movement flow effortlessly, form before effort or intensity! Here is a simple rule to gauge if you are using too much weight.

If you can't get up onto your big toe, the weight you're using is probably too heavy. Unlike a lot of other muscles, big calves are not that easy to over-train.

Try this simple active rest between your sets and watch your calves grow into big cows!

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