
Relieve Shoulder Pain With Simple Exercises

Are you looking for something to relieve that shoulder pain you have been having?

Before doing shoulder pain exercise understand what is causing it and which muscle group is affected and then you can begin to change it.

Shoulder Myalgia or muscle pain feels like a pain in the neck! It is felt in the shoulder and neck area originating in the trapezius muscle.

The trapezius muscle is a large thin muscle group between the shoulder and neck. There is a upper, lower, and middle set of this muscle group. Sometimes you can actually feel a knot there.

o Stress may be causing your pain or, like me, you may have a bad setup for your computer work.

o Adjust your computer keyboard so it's at elbow level to relieve your shoulder pain and if your mouse is too far away this may cause discomfort as well. Use your mouse by moving just your wrist with your forearm resting on the desk so as not to work the trapezius muscles and aggravate the shoulder myalgia.

o Another cause of shoulder myalgia may be weak muscles in the upper back and shoulder area. After breaking my collarbone on the left side I started to develop this pain due to the atrophy of muscles when I wasn't using that arm and shoulder.

Shoulder Pain Exercises to help Relieve Shoulder Pain, as well as that Pain in the Neck:

The Dart or Arrow
Good For:
This exercise not only helps to relieve shoulder pain but it really works the muscles of the upper back (trapezius) while stretching the shoulders and neck.

Lay on your stomach with your forehead on a towel and arms at your sides, palms face down.

"Zip up" your abdominal muscles like you've just put on a tight pair of jeans and hollow out your pelvis. Lift your chest and head off the mat, keeping your nose pointed down and raising your arms up about 2 inches off the mat reaching your fingertips to the end of the mat with palms up.
Make it harder by staying lifted through the head and chest and reaching the arms out to the sides turning your palms down.

Work up to 4 repetitions trying to hold longer each time, up to 20 seconds.
Keep looking down and reaching out through the crown of your head. Abs stay zipped up as you feel your shoulders slide down your back. Keep the feet down and knees and thighs heavy into the mat so you don't squeeze the glutes.

Band Pulls:
Good For:
I like any pulling exercises because they help to stretch and strengthen the muscles of the upper back and shoulders decreasing the shoulder myalgia pain.

Band wrapped around solid object at your chest height holding one end of band in each hand.

Move 1: Pull the elbows straight back as you reach your hands to your waist, like a rowing motion.
Move 2: With your arms straight pull the band (your hands) down by your side or thighs, palms face behind you.

Stay tall with chest open and length up through the back top of your head so you feel your shoulders sliding down and together.

Jennifer Adolfs is an ACE Certified Advanced Fitness Specialist and Certified Mat and Equipment Pilates Instructor. She specializes in working with people who have musculoskeletal issuses, specifically back and joint conditions.

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